

4-4-38 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi 450-0002, Japan

Official Language

Language of Slide Preparation / Language of Presentation
June 15 (Thu.) - 16 (Fri.) until 16:55 Japanese
June 16 (Fri.) from 17:05 - until the end of Conference English


In order to avoid congestion on the day of the event, we ask for your cooperation in pre-registration.
Registration Opening Hour
June 15 (Thu.) 7:30 - 17:00 WINC AICHI 2F Foyer
June 16 (Fri.) 7:30 - 17:30
June 17 (Sat.) 7:30 - 13:30
Registration Fee (JPY: Japanese Yen)
Full Congress Registration
NSJ Member *1, Physician JPY 20,000
Allied Health Professional / Junior Resident JPY 8,000
Medical Student (Graduate students are not included) JPY 0
*1: To qualify for the member rate, you must be a member of Japanese Neurospinal Society of Japan.

*Allied Health Professional: Including healthcare administrators, technicians, assistants, nurses, office support staff, medical students, interns and other health professionals.

*Student: Please show your student ID card at the registration desk for On-Site Registration.

*Payment during the conference can be made in cash (Japanese Yen Only) or by credit card.
Please write your name / affiliation on the name card and wear it at the conference venue and welcome reception.

Program & Abstract Book

NSJ members will receive a copy of the abstracts in advance. Please bring it with you when you come to the conference. A limited number of copies will be available for sale at the conference venue for 3,000 Yen per book.
The PDF version of the data can be viewed on our website.
Password: nagoya2023 

Luncheon Seminar

There will be no tickets for the luncheon seminars. Please go to the seminar room directly.
Please note that the number of lunch boxes are limited.

Evening Seminars

The Evening seminars will be held on June 15 (Thu.) and 16 (Fri.) with sweets and soft drink.
Please note that the number of lunch boxes are limited.

Exhibitions, Book Exhibition, Drink Corner, Rest Area

Exhibitions, Drink Corner, Rest Area WINC AICHI 6F 601-605
Book Exhibition WINC AICHI 2F Foyer


June 15 (Thu.) 7:30 - 19:00 WINC AICHI 6F 601-605
June 16 (Fri.) 7:30 - 18:45
June 17 (Sat.) 7:30 - 16:00
*Please pick up your baggage during the opening hours of Cloak.

Welcome Reception

Date: June 15 (Thu.) 19:00
Venue: WINC AICHI 7F 702 – 705

*Please pick up your baggage from the cloak before proceeding to the Welcome Reception.
There are baggage tables at the venue.

企業プレゼンテーション(Announcement for Japanese)

企業展示会場(6F 601-605)にて開催いたします。皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。

医療従事者の白内障&被ばく線量推定研究プロジェクト(量研機構・金沢医大・産業医大・東北大学)(Announcement for Japanese)


ポスター賞(Announcement for Japanese)

優秀演題賞 各ポスターセッションより1演題を選出いたします
会長賞 最優秀賞として1演題を選出いたします

第18回脊椎脊髄外科専門医試験(Announcement for Japanese)

場所:ウインクあいち 10F 1001

脳神経外科診療領域講習の単位(Announcement for Japanese)

会期中は毎日、ご来場・ご退場の際にウインクあいち 2F ホワイエ「領域講習受付」にて、脳神経外科学会の会員カードをリーダーにかざし、入退場記録を残してください。
6月15日(木)12:15~13:15 ランチョンセミナー1~4
6月15日(木)16:10~17:10 イブニングセミナー1~3
6月16日(金)12:00~13:00 ランチョンセミナー5~8
6月16日(金)15:55~16:55 イブニングセミナー4~7
6月17日(土)12:05~13:05 ランチョンセミナー9~11

脊髄外科教育セミナー(Announcement for Japanese)

場所:ウインクあいち 5F 小ホール1

Neurospine Project(Announcement for Japanese)

日本脳神経外科学会で行われているGREEN Projectと同様の趣旨のもと、本会においては、対象を【「医学生、初期研修医」から、将来脊椎脊髄末梢神経外科をサブスペシャリティーの一つとして考えている「脳神経外科専攻医」まで】に拡大して特別企画を開催いたします。
事務局:愛知医科大学 脳神経外科学講座 〒480-1195 愛知県長久手市岩作雁又1-1 事務局長:青山 正寛
運営事務局:株式会社 オフィス・テイクワン 〒461-0005 名古屋市東区東桜1-10-9 栄プラザビル4B TEL:052-508-8510 FAX:052-508-8540 E-mail:nsj2023-14amoas@cs-oto.com